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Keith & Maribel Kruepke

Welcome to our homepage! You can come here to read the latest news about Keith and Maribel Kruepke. (Oh, yeah...and Jordan too!) The links along the top and bottom also point you to other information available on this site. We would like to recommend a browse through our photo gallery.

The photo to the left was taken in our backyard in January 2006. (Yes, I am sure it was January, even though there is no snow.)

Natalie Stella Kruepke Aug 29, 2010 @ 05:17

We are excited to announce the arrival of Natalie Stella Kruepke. She was born at 5:17 AM on August 29, 2010, which was just six days before her due date. She was 6 lbs. 13 oz. and 19 in. long. That puts her over a pound bigger than Caroline at birth, which is really great, especially given the fact that she was born just a little early.

Like her sister Caroline, Natalie was delivered by Cesarean section, and both she and Maribel came through it like champs. They are both still doing very well but remain fairly tired. Maribel seems to be recovering very quickly.

We have posted an initial set of photographs in our photo gallery.

Thank you to everyone who kept us in your prayers throughout both of the pregnancies. We are grateful for your support.

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